Take an closer look at what Growers and
Crop Consultants think about Croptimus™
Yonatan Sorek
Fermata interviews Zabartek's Chief Agronomist, Yonatan Sorek, on his experiences with the Croptimus™ IPM platform which uses AI to automatically scout for pests and disease in his greenhouse.
Shaike Shaked
One of the most famous growers in Israel, Shaike deals with harsh desert conditions and tough pest & disease issues every day. It takes a lot to impress him. So how did Croptimus™ fare in this environment? Watch the video and find out!
Emry Gabay
While Bayer is using Croptimus™ at a number of their facilities globally, here is Emry Gabay, Commercial Specialist for Bayer, talking about his experiences during our initial projects with the company.
As former head of R&D at Biobest in Israel, I’ve seen a lot of pest and disease solutions come and go, but Fermata’s has actually changed how I currently work as a crop consultant. Instead of wasting time identifying the source of the problem, now I can focus on mitigation, and actually finding the root causes — saving my clients both substantial time and money.
For just pennies per square foot, Croptimus™ automatically scouts for Aphids, Spider Mites, Thrips, Powdery Mildew, Bud Rot (Botrytis), Mosaic, nutrient issues, general plant health, and both mechanical and pest damage — with more pest and disease categories being added to the list all the time. We currently support leafy greens, tomato seedlings, and medicinal crops, while working to expand our coverage to include soft fruit and floriculture.
There are so many things we can do with Croptimus... not necessarily only crop protection problems but general problems — having eyes on the crops 24/7. Soon the product will offer solutions for pretty much everything a farmer needs.
Bayer Crop Protection
As former head of R&D at Biobest in Israel, I’ve seen a lot of pest and disease solutions come and go, but Fermata’s has actually changed how I currently work as a crop consultant. Instead of wasting time identifying the source of the problem, now I can focus on mitigation, and actually finding the root causes — saving my clients both substantial time and money.
Crop Consultant, IPM Expert
Since the Fermata system has been running and the AI has had a chance to learn our process, we have been getting reports that match our own scouting almost exactly. We are averaging 60% of harvest going to flower sales. This is a huge jump in usable product.”
Operations Manager, Decibel
It’s remarkable how much less time we spend on wandering the greenhouse, looking for problems that might or might not be there. It’s not that just that me and my guys spend less time on scouting now, what I also appreciate is the peace of mind the system gives me. It’s great to know someone is looking after my plants at all times!
Flowering Mgr, Intelicanna
I had 5 or 6 guys in my scouting group that were constantly complaining: "my head hurts, my eyes hurt... this is ridiculous." So to get [scouting] on an A.I. schedule, was in my opinion, one of the smartest decisions you could have [made]. You guys are far ahead of the curve. I think that is genius.
Head Grower, High Grade AZ
Maintaining crop quality, consistency, and yield is very challenging when you aren’t growing in a controlled environment such as a greenhouse. And as you might imagine, manually scouting 3 acres for signs of pests and disease which affect all three of these factors is a very time-consuming, and error-prone task. That’s why when Fermata approached us with an automated solution to address the problem we were all ears!
President, Mariwell
Early detection of incidents focuses the treatment area, increases our efficiency, and saves money. The system discovered pests and various plant anomalies numerous times before the IPM employee came in for their weekly examination. Fermata is the guardian angel of our farm!
R&D Manager, GreenKom
The benefit of using AI to detect these issues over human scouts is that it never gets tired, and actually improves over time instead of delivering poorer results due to fatigue. Similar to factories implementing computer vision as the new standard for quality control — saving both time due to increased production line speed, and money in retaining costly human resources — Croptimus™ dramatically reduces both scouting costs and crop losses, increasing the efficiency and profitability of your business.
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Are you a grower interested in automating your scouting? Maybe you own or manage a facility and are looking to increase your profit margins? Croptimus™ is for you! Crop consultants, IPM managers, agronomists — we'd love to hear from you too!
Grow Smarter through Data Science.
Fermata develops solutions designed
to make growers' lives easier, and the companies they work for more profitable.